Project Manager

The GutWorks Project Manager, Dr. Anthony Shiver,
is your point of contact with the GutWorks team.


Dr. Anthony L. Shiver (Stanford)

Anthony is an expert in systems biology and specializes in developing innovative large-scale genomic approaches. Before working in KC Huang’s lab as a Basic Life Science Researcher, Anthony trained in applied mathematics, biochemistry, and biophysics (University of Oregon, B.S.; University of California–San Francisco, Ph.D.). Anthony led the development of a FACS-based approach for assembling ordered mutant collections in anaerobic gut microbes, as well as multi-omic data integration for mechanistic insights into host colonization by the gut microbiome. Anthony created the first genome-scale genetic resources in a model organism for the bifidobacteria and is facilitating numerous collaborative projects in GutWorks.


Principal Investigators


Postdoctoral and Staff Researchers